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Der Herr ist Mein Banner - The Lord is My Banner  128bit MP3

  English - Full 5.7MB

  English - Short 2.8MB

  German - Full 5.7MB

  German - Short 2.8MB

  German - Instrumental 5.7MB

Exodus 17
8 The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. 9 Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands."
10 So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. 11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. 12 When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up-one on one side, one on the other-so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.
14 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it, because I will completely blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven."
15 Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner. 16 He said, "For hands were lifted up to the throne of the LORD . The LORD will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation."


The Lord is My Banner

With my hands in the air
The Lord fights for me everywhere
I will not let them fall
My praise is for Him, I give my all

My God is with me, Immanuel
Who shall stand against me
He is my banner
Over countries and kings I conquer

    - Copyright 2003, Adam Smith

About the Song

A few months ago, my wife was reading the bible in German to my son as she does everyday. They came to Exodus 17 and read about how the Lord was the banner over Moses and Israel as they made war against the Amalekites. They made a banner and wrote on it, "Der HERR mein Feldzeichen." After I saw it, the Lord began to give me a song in German with those words. He gave me the other verses as well. A friend in Herrenberg helped translate the verses from English to German. We also decided to use Banner instead of Feldzeichen.

The song is a warfare song that shows the power of praising God in warfare. The Lord is the one that fights for us. As Moses, the man of God, was praying and praising God in the battle in prayer, the people were fighting with swords. Since Moses was raising his hands and had no banner over him, the Lord became his actual banner. The covering of the presence of God came over Israel, and God fought for his people. It is the same right now. As we praise God, and actively pursue his kingdom in prayer and war, the Lord still fights for His children. I do not know why we have to fight for some things. But, war is a part of God's character, and He reveals that character to us as we fight for him.

2 Timothy 4:7
  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

We will not fear, for God hath willed, His truth to triumph through us.
Martin Luther 1529

Adam Smith

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The Sound Press
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